


好,精彩回顧... 開始!

February 8 at 6:39am 充其量我只是人肉奶嘴一枚...

February 9 at 9:16pm 我漲奶漲的像兩顆大石頭痛的要命,我女兒竟然體重超低標被要求添加配方奶... 用不著這麼緊張吧!?

February 12 at 6:37am 天阿~有沒有這麼猛阿!母女倆不小心睡過頭,六個小時沒吃竟然一瓶90ml的奶一口氣全部喝光光!是說newborn的胃不是才一顆乒乓球大嗎?

February 21 at 5:31pm 當乳牛好累唷~ 我為什麼要生第二個?:'(

 February 24 at 9:08pm  This is how daddy feeds the baby...
February 26 at 8:37pm  Home made strawberry cake! :) -- by the chef of the house ;)

February 29 at 3:10am 出關後最想做的事:吃sashimi和騎腳踏車!

March 1 at 3:48am 祁恩從樂樂幼兒園畢業囉!媽咪竟然比他還離情依依... :'( 之後媽咪得自己帶一陣子囉... 謝謝Helen阿姨幫她陪養的好習慣和好教養,真希望妹妹也能在樂樂幼兒園裡長大...

March 6 at 5:10pm 妹妹吃完奶都會很安靜的睜著大眼睛自己在那玩很久,常常讓人以為她還在睡覺...

March 10 at 4:38pm First time taking the newborn out and it went better than I expected as she kept sleeping until we got home. Alternatively the 3yo had an accident of wet pants tho. — at Stanford Shopping Center.

March 11 at 2:27pm Dating with my little boy — at CuriOdyssey.

March 12 at 5:18am Non stop eating, burping, crying, diaper changing from 2-5.30am... Arrrggghhh... May I have a 10min sleep my little queen?>_<
And now should I get up for breakfast then go back to sleep, or straight back to sleep then up for brunch?@@)
I strongly suspect the coffee I had yesterday caused a sleepless night. But it was a 1:9 latte ah! @@)

March 12 at 11:13pm 不過才偷偷開禁喝了杯拿鐵,妹妹就ㄧ整天加一整夜無眠,連媽咪我也跟著受罪...@@ 我下次不敢了!咖啡因,半年後再見啦!

March 14 at 6:46am 喝掛了...
她現在8lb 9oz囉!一直吃一直吃,不長大也難吧!)
March 14 at 3:12pm burning some energy — at Safari Run.
burning some energy burning some energy

March 23 at 9:46pm 謝謝大家的生日祝福,也謝謝老公帶我去吃久違的sashimi大餐!生日沒啥特別的願望,現在的我很幸福,真的別無所求了!希望一家子都能平安健康,還有讓我睡足八小時吧!
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! And thanks Asad for the sashimi dinner that I've been longing for. :)

March 24 at 3:15pm Surprisingly crowded in such rainy day! — at Monterey Bay Aquarium.

March 24 at 8:42pm 第一次帶妹妹出遠門,還是個溼答答的下雨天,有點手忙腳亂還有很多的不方便,可她該吃的時候有吃飽,該睡的時候也睡的很好,讓我在最差的情況下實習過一次,以後就可以天下任我遨遊了!:D

March 27 at 9:46am 跟妹妹相依為命的一週,正。式。開。始。(圖說:妹妹喝飽之後抿嘴的樣子,怎麼戳就是不張口!)

March 29 at 7:30pm Just got a package of these when my man is away... Wondering if these are the bday surprise he mentioned... :)

March 31 at 2:56pm Mommy made the little girl a hat so that she won't see her face when she's cranky!:P

April 1 at 6:34pm Just came back from a 3hr drive from San Mateo up along the bay shore to SF to GG bridge then down thru the coast to half moon bay back to San Mateo. A great drive in such beautiful day.:)

April 5 at 4:47pm Ready for summer with mommy made hat!:)
Ready for summer with mommy made hat!:) Ready for summer with mommy made hat!:)
April 8 at 8:21am Look how many eggs I picked! But they kept falling off from the basket and I was very upset so I cried... Mommy next time can u get me a bigger basket pls?
Happy Easter!:)
April 11 at 10:17am Kians reading Winnie the pooh for mei mei :)

April 13 at 5:46am 春雷動!昨晚打了一夜的雷,對祁恩來說還是第一次聽聞到打雷閃電哩!
April 16 at 8:29am 今早在換尿布的時候,突然開始幻想這雙胖胖腿穿上芭蕾舞鞋的樣子... Imagining putting ballet shoes on these chubby legs...
April 21 at 6:31am 昨天好熱阿~ 聽說還要再熱兩天... 我的媽呀~ 家裡沒冷氣,餵奶抱小孩都黏踢踢... ㄤ說真想這兩天就給他跑去camping...

April 22 at 11:09pm 女娃兒真的好帶多了!不到一個月就可以在半夜睡四小時以上,平時自己玩也不吵不鬧,想睡時雖然也會哀哀叫,可這兩天哀個兩聲等不及人來就自己睡著了!想當初祁恩可是會哀到天荒地老,不見媽咪心不死阿!

April 25 at 2:37am 好喜歡看寶貝吃飽喝足後,四肢慵懶放鬆的在我懷裡滿足的入睡。真捨不得把她放回小床!--媽咪半夜餵食時的小確幸 :)
我女兒每次跟我四目相對就會笑的很開懷還咕咕嚕嚕的說話,連吃奶也是邊吃邊笑,so adorable!)

April 26 at 6:51pm Little Hitler XD
The black paper I put on her face actually kept falling off whenever she breathed, so we were laughing so hard when trying to take photos!XD)
May 3 at 4:03pm 經驗分享:出生證明中譯本在家附近的UPS就可以公證喔!只要有notary service的UPS都可以,他們是說公證不限語言,只要持件人證明文件翻譯無誤(叫我在上面註明: True & correct translation後簽名即可)就可以公證蓋印,一份簽名十元。希望對有需要的朋友有幫助到!:)

May 7 at 2:28am 妹妹總是仰睡,是顆小扁頭... @@
May 9 at 8:18pm Kian is practicing... :)
May 10 at 6:09am 一早起來睡成這樣... @@

May 12 at 2:19pm 當了這麼久的媽,還是會在教養上為自己偶爾的任性而為感到汗顏與後悔。哥哥哭著說我出房門沒等他,明知他是沒安全感還是任性的教訓他說媽媽很忙就是不想等!妹妹想睡一直歡,明知抱著就不會哭鬧,還是任性的把她放小床任她哭以訓練她自我安撫。唉... 當個媽已經夠忙夠累,幹嘛還要承受這些自我良心的譴責阿?>_<

May 13 at 8:25pm Kian the porter :) 正在作的oven mitten被祁恩拿來玩工人送貨的遊戲... 這工人還挺勤快的呢!XD
May 14 at 6:37am 警察人(policeman),郵差人(postman),巧老虎(巧虎),馬怒(馬路),飛機家(機場),賽車在賽(比賽),daddy I want to eat gua-gua (cucumber)... 當媽的一大樂趣,就是每天聽臭鈴呆的兒子發明可愛的童言... :)
May 14 at 10:23am Mommy made me an apron & glove so that I can cook with her!:)
May 19 at 5:25am 一覺醒來五點鐘,真好!又是六個小時的sleep thru!^_^

May 19 at 2:53pm 媽咪牌童裝的小麻豆 :)
May 21 at 10:07am 三歲九個月的兒子玩走迷宮,畫到死角處不知該怎麼走,就喃喃的說從死角到出口上方有一座橋,然後就自己一線飛天的畫到出口了... @@
(媽咪OS: 迷宮有這麼簡單那還叫迷宮嗎?)

May 21 at 5:36pm 爹地的傑作- Daddy did it
May 24 at 1:23pm 70s vs. 2012, tina vs. mina :) 

May 26 at 4:37pm this is how we picked cherries! :) — with Asad Baheri at Papini Ranch, Brentwood, CA.

May 27 at 1:33pm 頭可以抬這樣高了唷!:)
May 28 at 5:23pm 雖然我跟我媽天生八字不合,但我想我還是愛她的。謝謝妳,老媽!
May 29 at 12:23pm Relaxing in our backyard! Comfy comfy!:D
June 9 at 2:47pm Camping! Camping! Yayaya!:) (said Kian) @Portola Redwoods State Park
(Back with fun memories! The campsite is huge surrounded by gigantic redwoods, good for kinds running around and jumping up and down of fallen trees. Lots of agressive mosquitos tho and unfortunately Kian got 6-7 bumps on the face and arm. Luckily mei mei survived from being bitten. We took a coupe of short hikes and played in the cold water of the creek. Overall it was fun and i give this campsite 3.5 stars becuz of annoying mosquitos.:))
June 16 at 6:51pm 好熱好熱的一天... 我們決定去湖裡游泳!:) 

June 17 at 8:22am 每天早上起床看到這一幕就覺得好幸福... :)

June 22 at 2:43pm 今年總共包了29顆。用了比去年多的米,卻貪心的想多放點餡又想包的大顆點,就變成米不夠包了。有訂貨的記得先去買罐海山醬唷!:)

June 25 at 6:59pm 今晚晚餐- 用包粽子剩下的滷汁及辛香料炒的米粉配花枝丸排骨湯。好呷!:)

June 27 at 6:49pm Kian's first soccer lesson... a bit lost but should do better next time... hopefully...
(唉... 這個好強又倔強的處女座可是有一半的時間都只是站在旁邊看,一點也不願follow,嘴裡直說好難... 不過是踢著球跑而已阿!)

June 28 at 5:59pm 媽咪牌保暖帽 :)

June 30 at 12:38pm Got from neighbor's garage sale: $2 for 7 books!

July 1 at 11:21pm It's not housework or driving or taking care of kids that makes us tired in a day, but kids' screaming and non-stop talking! @@

July 10 at 9:12pm Me: if u don't eat dinner u r not gonna get any food later. No desert. Nothing.
Kian: what r u gonna eat?
Me: ice cream.
Dad: cheese cake. 
Kian: ok. Ur teeth will be eaten by bugs when u sleep tonight.


July 12 at 9:07am Ge ge can I play with u?

July 20 at 3:04pm No kids would say no to water — at Ryder Court Park.







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